DR HANNAH CROSS (Click for telehealth link)

Dr Cross initially completed a combined Bachelor of Arts/Law degree at Monash University before completing her legal practicing certificate. She was admitted to practice law whilst undertaking her graduate medical degree at Monash University.

Dr Cross began her specialty training in psychiatry at Alfred Health and completed her qualification with Forensicare, whilst undertaking her advanced training in forensic psychiatry. She currently works at Forensicare as a consultant forensic psychiatrist and appears regularly in court as an expert witness.

Dr Cross adopts a holistic approach to treatment aimed at tailoring support plans to the individual. She believes treatment often involves more than medication and is committed to exploring all aspects of recovery. Dr Cross comes to her therapeutic relationships with an open mind, collaborative attitude and non-judgemental stance.

Areas of interest:

  • ADHD

  • Major Depression

  • Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • Psychosis

Treatment Philosophy

Dr Cross has worked at numerous services across Australia in the field of public mental health. She has obtained specialty accreditation in the field of forensic mental health, has an interest in forensic report writing and has appeared in the County and Supreme Courts of Victoria as an expert witness. As a forensic psychiatrist, Dr Cross has worked in prisons, inpatient settings and with outpatients in the community. Her key area of interest is forensic risk assessment. 

Career Experience

Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (FRANZCP)

Advanced Certificate of Forensic Psychiatry (CERT. FORENSIC. PSYCH)

Graduate Certificate of Forensic Psychiatric Practice (GC-FPP)

Masters of Psychiatry (MPSYCH)

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)

Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Qualifications & Accreditations

Accredited Member of the Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry – Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Member – Australian & New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

Full Member – Australian ADHD Professionals Association


Cross H, “We Looked But We Did Not See” (2017) Future Leaders Communiqué Jan; 2(1) published under Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (supervisor: Prof Joseph Ibrahim)

“Quality Improvement: Assessing Physical Health of Clients Taking Antipsychotics in a Community Setting in Melbourne” Garcia-Rodriguez L, Cross H; academic poster to be presented at the Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congress 2017, Edinburgh

Cross H, Rauchburger I, Kulkarni J (2014) “Perspectives on the Mental Health Act 2014 (Vic)” Australasian Psychiatry Dec; 22(6):569-72


Committee Member, RANZCP Corporate Governance and Risk Committee (2024)

Trainee representative, Subcommittee of Advanced Training in Forensic Psychiatry (2023)

Education officer, Victorian Association of Psychiatry Trainees (2018, 2019)

Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Project Scholarship (2015)

Career Highlights/ Affiliations/ Associations:

DHHS and Victorian Branch Workforce Wellbeing Grant, RANZCP (2020, 2021)

Intern of the Year, Peninsula Health (2015)


Mood Disorders (Depression and Bipolar)



Substance Use Disorders


Professional Areas of Interest:

Dr Cross has a keen interest in film and founded the VAPT Psychoanalytic Film series, which involved curating and chairing 14 films and discussions between 2018 – 2023.

Dr Cross has appeared in print media, podcasts and television in her role as a mental health practitioner.

Personal Interest/ Achievements: