DR ASIRI RODRIGO (Click for telehealth link)
Dr Rodrigo is a Consultant Psychiatrist trained in Australia, the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka, and has specialist qualifications from all three countries. He has published journal articles on various topics and is working towards further qualifications in forensic psychiatry.
Dr Rodrigo has obtained an Advanced Training Certificates in Psychotherapies (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) and Forensic Psychiatry from RANZCP. He completed a certificate of Addictive Behaviours. He was awarded a PhD from the University of Melbourne on modifying CBT to suit different cultural contexts. He has published widely on various topics including psychotherapy, cross cultural presentations, general adult psychiatry, forensic psychiatry and child psychiatry.
Dr Rodrigo believes in taking a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s wellbeing and supporting their recovery through a multifactorial approach including lifestyle optimisation, environmental adjustments, psychological therapy and appropriate medications. He adopts a non-judgmental stance and is keen to work long-term with patients to help them grow as individuals.
Areas of interest:
• Patients aged 14 years and older
• Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
• Complex Mood and Anxiety Disorders
• Autism Spectrum Disorder
• Bipolar Disorders and Schizophrenia
• Personality Disorders
Treatment Philosophy
Dr Rodrigo been a psychiatrist since 2013 and worked in Australia, the UK and Sri Lanka in General Adult, Child and Adolescent, Old Age, Consultation Liaison and Forensic Psychiatry settings.
Career Experience
Advanced Certificate in Forensic Psychiatry (RANZCP) 2025
Certificate in Addictive Behavourious (Monash University) 2025
PhD (University of Melbourne) 2021
Advanced Certificate in. Psychotherapies (RANZCP) 2013
MD Psychiatry (Colombo) 2011
MRCPsych (RCPsych) 2009
MBBS (Colombo) 2003
Qualifications & Accreditations
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)
Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists
Research / Publications:
Publications in refereed journals
1. Rodrigo MDA, Wijesinghe CA, Kuruppuarchchi KALA. Change in attitudes towards psychiatry of final year medical students at University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, following introduction of a new psychiatric curriculum. Sri Lankan Journal of Psychiatry 2012. 3 (1): 76-80
2. Rodrigo A, Majoor J. Stamping the medical message: psychiatric themes in philately. Australasian Psychiatry 2012. 20: 188-192.
3. Rodrigo A, Foo L, Majoor J. Have Primary Mental Health Teams lived up to their expectations? Australas Psychiatry. 2013 Apr;21(2):127-30.
4. Rodrigo MDA, Dissanayake AUGIP, Galhenage J, Wijesinghe S, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Job satisfaction and mental health of Sri Lankan doctors. South Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2013; 3 (1): 14-17
5. Rodrigo A, Owada K, Wainer J, Baker R, Williams S. Comparison of suicide rates in Sri Lanka during and after the civil war. Australas Psychiatry. 2013 Aug;21(4):410.
6. Rodrigo A, Majoor J, Minson F, Jayakody K. Recent trends in psychotherapy training among psychiatrists in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Australas Psychiatry. 2013 Apr;21(2):182-3.
7. Rodrigo MDA, Dissanayake AUGIP, Galhenage J2, Wijesinghe S, Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Job satisfaction and mental health of Sri Lankan doctors. South Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2013; 3 (1): 14-17.
8. Abeysena C, Peiris U, Jayawardana P, Rodrigo A. Validation of the Sinhala version of 30-item General Health Questionnaire. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health 2012. 4; (7): 1373-81.
9. Senanayake MP, Rodrigo MDA, Kudalugodaarchchi J, Malkanthi R. Blood lead levels of children before and after introduction of unleaded petrol: The Ceylon Medical Journal 2004; 49:60-61
10. Senanayake MP, Rodrigo MDA, Kudalugodaarchchi J. Umbilical cord blood lead levels: The Ceylon Medical Journal 2004; 49:97-98
11. Jayasinghe S, de Silva P, Mathankumar S, Ranasinghe KLADT, Rodrigo MDA, Weerathunga AADCG.Cracked skin of feet: an ignored entity in the tropics: The Ceylon Medical Journal 2004; 49:101
12. Rodrigo MDA. Anaesthesia for Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT); a historical perspective: Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology 2006;14:30 -32.
13. Rodrigo MDA, Wimalasingham V. Western model of community mental health care: its applicability to Sri Lanka: The Ceylon Medical Journal 2006; 51(4):143-144.
14. Rodrigo MDA, McQuillin A, Pimm J. Effect of the 2004 tsunami on suicide in Sri Lanka: The Psychiatric Bulletin 2009; 33: 179-180
15. Rodrigo MDA, Perera D, Eranga VP, Williams SS, Kuruppuarchchi KALA. The knowledge of primary school teachers in Sri Lanka towards childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): The Ceylon Medical Journal 2011. 56 (2): 51-54.
16. Rodrigo TRWW, Rodrigo MDA, Peris MUPK. Pornography and its impact on sexual attitudes and behaviour in children and adolescents. Sri Lankan Journal of Child Health 2011. 2 (1): 6-8
17. Wijeratne LT, Williams SS, Rodrigo MDA, Peris MUPK, Kawamura N, Wickremasinghe AR Validation of the Kessler’s psychological distress scale among the Sinhalese population in Sri Lanka. South Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2011. 1(2) 21-25.
18. HTCS Abeysena, P Jayawardana, U Peiris, A Rodrigo. Validation of the Sinhala version of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine 2014;1(1):E8:1-7
19. Rodrigo A. Kuruppuarachchi KALA. Pathmeswaran A. Validation of the Beck Depression Inventory II among the Sinhalese speaking population in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2015. 6(2); 1-2
20. Abeysena C, Jayawardana P, Peiris U, Rodrigo A.Validity of the Sinhala Version of the General Health Questionnaires Item 12 and 30: Using Different Sampling Strategies and Scoring Methods. Int J Med Res Prof 2016; 2(5); 180-87.
21. Rodrigo A. Hewavithrana U. Variant of anorexia nervosa in Sri Lanka: a case series. Ceylon Medical Journal 2017: 62(2);.104–107
22. Chandradasa M, Rodrigo A. Internet Gaming Disorder among Adolescents. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2017. doi: 10.1007/s12098-017-2348-7.
23. Rodrigo A, Liyanage N, Child abuse: the role of the psychiatrists. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry. 2015:6(2)1-2
24. Rodrigo A, Liyanage N,media portrayal of child abuse in Sri Lanka and the impact of two incidents of child abuse on media coverage.Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry.2016:7(2)3-7
25. Rodrigo A. Liyanage N. Disaster and mental health: the role of Sri Lankan psychiatrists. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2017: 8(1); 1-2.
26. Karunarathne S, Liyanage N, Rodrigo A. Role of negative experiences in past relationships and adverse childhood experiences in morbid jealousy. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2017. 8 (2):20-23.
27. Rodrigo R, Rodrigo A, Liyanage N, Hatahagoda W, Hewavitharana U.Maternal Perception of Adequacy of Mother's Milk Among Mothers Giving Birth at a Teaching Hospital in Sri Lanka. J Hum Lact. 2018 May 1:890334418773304.
28. Rowel, W.W.J.S.M., Liyange, U.L.N.S., Hewawitharana, U.H., Dayabandara, M. and Rodrigo, A., 2018. Erectile dysfunction among male patients diagnosed with schizophrenia being treated with antipsychotic medication, and the impact on quality of life. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2018 9(2), pp.10–13. DOI:http://doi.org/10.4038/sljpsyc.v9i2.8185
29. Wijesinghe CA, Liyanage ULNS, Kapugama KGCL, Warsapperuma WANP, Williams SS, Kuruppuarachchi KALA, Rodrigo A. “Muddling by googling”- Cyberchondria among outpatient attendees of two hospitals in Sri Lanka. . Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2019 10(1).
30. Liyanage N, Suraweera C, Rodrigo A. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Management of a Patient with Atypical Anorexia Nervosa. Case Rep Psychiatry. 2019 Oct 10;2019
31. De Silva S, Isuru A, Rodrigo A, Kuruppuarachchi L. Prevalence and correlates of depression in patients with epilepsy in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Med J. 2021 Sep 30;66(3):138-143
32. Gunathillaka K, Wijesinghe C, Gunasekera T, Premathilake B, Rodrigo A., Pathmeswaran, A, Kuruppuarachchi L. Validation of the internet addiction test (IAT) to Sinhalese and assessment of internet addiction among school children in Sri Lanka. BJPsych Open 2021, 7(S1), S27-S27.
33. Rodrigo A. Herath T.Validation of the Sinhala version of Tinnitus Handicap Inventory. J Audiol Otol. 2023.
34. Galhenage J, Rodrigo A. Prolonged detection of cannabis in urine of a consumer in a Forensic hospital, Victoria, Australia, up to 102 days of abstinence - A case report. Psychiatry Research Case Reports 2023; 2; 1.
35. Rodrigo A, Minas H, Newton R, de Zoysa P. Development of Modified Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Sri Lanka: a feasibility study. Archives of Internal Medicine Research 2023.
Publications (Books/ Chapters)
1. Rodrigo. A. Treatment handbook for primary health care workers, Trincomalee District – Tsunami rehabilitation task force, Sri Lanka. 2004
2. Dhammpala R, Rodrigo A, Liyanage N. Participant handbook on formalising counselling processes – Round 3. Colombo: National Institute of Social Development; 2016.
3. Rodrigo A, Rajasuriya M, Liyanage N. Couples therapy. In: Kathriarchchi ST, Rodrigo A, Wass D, editors. Continuing professional development for psychiatrists in Sri Lanka. Colombo: Asia Foundation; 2016. p. 129-171.
4. Rodrigo A, Liyanage N, Wijesuriya N. Manual if modified CBT for chronic pain. Colombo: North Colombo Teaching Hospital; 2019.
5. Rodrigo A, Dhammpala R, , Liyanage N. Training Manual on skills, approaches, ethics, in provision of counselling for couples. Colombo: National Institute of Social Development; 2020.
· Sate Coordinator Sri Lankan Psychiatrist of Australia and New Zealand - 2022 to 2025
· Editor - Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 2015 to 2020
· Treasurer Sri Lanka Medical Association - 2016
Career Highlights / Affiliations / Associations:
Scholarships and Bursaries
· Commonwealth Medical Electives Bursary (UK) - Best overall performance during the university career.
· Fellowship of Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology – 2017
Research Grants
· University of Kelaniya research grant - 2013 and 2017
· Sri Lanka Medical Association Research grant - 2018
Royal College, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Captain of college boxing team and college colours of boxing
Member of college hockey team, table-tennis team and soccer team
University of Colombo – Sri Lanka
Member of University Basketball Team
Captain, Medical Faculty Basketball Team
University Colours for Basketball
Sri Lanka University Sport Association Award (SLUSA) for Basketball
Personal Interests / Achievements: